Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The space between us connects us. by Rickebeal

"The space between us connects us.
Everything is conjoined, interconnected. Everything together makes one whole."

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Quote - happiest moments

"One of the happiest moments ever is when we find the courage to let go of what we cannot change"

I think this was from; not sure where they got it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Quote - sort of - 'who we are by what we say'

"What someone says, says more about them, than the person they are speaking about"

Not exactly a quote, but paraprased from someone somewhere, I have no idea who.

Abraham Lincoln Quote

"Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm."

Monday, February 24, 2014

Sitting Quiet & Still

"Sitting quiet and still, the whole universe is felt and heard." rickebeal

Saturday, February 22, 2014

living and dreams

"Though living here and now, my attention sometimes strays in the direction of my dreams.
The teaching is here - now. All is in this time - space. Micro - macro align...
Every moment of our lives has lead to this very moment."

Good News and other ideas

I started this blog more as a journal.
A place to write down ideas that swim around in my head.
It's helpful for me if I can get them down on paper.
So I apologize for the repetition; my head often runs around in circles; thinking about various ideas over and over again. Looking at them from different angles, and different perspectives.

There will probably be some quotes from others, and phrases that I'm playing with as well.

Anyhow we'll see what develops.
I hope the read is enjoyable and helpful.
